首页 > 师资介绍 > 钟晓霞



Research Interests

  1. 常压微等离子体和液体相互作用:物理和应用
  2. 常压微等离子体间相互作用:物理和应用

Biographical Sketch

钟晓霞,副教授,博士生导师,国际权威期刊Plasma Process. Polym(Wiley-VCH科学出版社)杂志编委,中国力学学会等离子体科学与技术专业委员会委员,蔡诗东等离子体物理奖奖励委员会委员。1992年、1995年先后在厦门大学物理系获学士学位和硕士学位。1998年在复旦大学物理系获博士学位。1998至今在上海交通大学物理系工作,先后任讲师、副教授,其间曾在国际理论物理中心(1999)、德国斯图加特大学(2001-2002)和欧盟联合研究中心(2002-2003)进行访问研究。近五年, 以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI 论文20余篇包括Appl. Phys. Lett.、Nanotechnol.、Phys. Plasmas等期刊论文和Plasma Process. Polym.封面论文20余篇;获授权国家发明专利3项;应邀做国际会议邀请报告6次。


  1. Ting-Ting Yan, Xiao-Xia Zhong*, Amanda E. Rider, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, Electric breakdown in liquids: faster ignition using less energy, Plasma Process. Polym., 10, 422 (2013).  
  2. Y. Lu, S. F. Xu, X. X. Zhong*, K. Ostrikov, U. Cvelbar, D. Mariotti, Characterization of a DC-driven microplasma between a capillary tube and water surface, EPL, 2013, 102, 15002(2013).
  3. X. Z. Huang, X. X. Zhong*, Y. Lu, A. E. Rider, S. A. Furman and K. Ostrikov, Plasmaonic Ag Nanoparticles via environment-benign atmospheric microplasma electrochemistry, Nanotechnol. 24, 095604 (2013)
  4. Xiaoxia Zhong*, E. Tam, X. Z. Huang, P. Colpo, F. Rossi, K. Ostrikov, Effect of input power and gas pressure on the roughening and selective etching of SiO2/Si surfaces in reactive plasmas,Phys. Plasmas. 17(2010), 094501 (2010), 
  5. Xiaoxia Zhong*, Xiaochen Wu, Kostya Ostrikov, Pulsed i-PVD of dielectric nanodot arrays using a nanoporous template, Plasma Process. Polym., 6,161-169(2009)
  6. Xiaochen Wu, Xiaoxia Zhong*, Kostya Ostrikov, Nanopore processing in dielectric materials and dielectric template-assisted nanoarray synthesis: using pulsed bias to enhance process throughput and precision, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 223104 (2008)
  7. Luqi Yuan, Xiaoxia Zhong*, Kostya Ostrikov, Nanosphere monolayer-templated, ion-assisted nanofeature etching in dielectric materials: a numerical simulation of nanoscale ion flux topography, Nanotechnol., 19, 155304(2008)
  8. Luqi Yuan, Xiaoxia Zhong*, Igor Levchenko, Yuxing Xia, Kostya Ostrikov, Templated i-PVD of Metallic Nanodot Arrays, Plasma Process. Polym., 4, 612-620, (封面论文) (2007) 
  9. Luqi Yuan, Xiaoxia Zhong*, Qiwei Shu, Xiaochen Wu, Yuxing Xia, Ion Current Distribution during Depositing Dielectric Material using an Insulating Porous Alumina Template, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 40, 7766 (2007)
  10. Wei Zhou, Xiaoxia Zhong*, Xiaochen Wu, Luqi Yuan, Qiwei Shu, Yuxing Xia, Kostya(Ken) Ostrikov, Plasma-controlled nanocrystallinity and phase composition of TiO2: a smart way to enhance biomimetic response, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part A 81 453 (2007)