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Research Interests

Affiliated Research Group(所属研究团队):

Biographical Sketch

上海交通大学区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室和物理系光科学与工程研究中心教授、博士生导师。1999年7月在吉林大学物理系获得博士学位,2001年5月至2003年3月在日本分子科学研究所作访问学者。科研上主要从事偏振全息光存储、非线性光学、双光子荧光及同步辐射刻蚀等方面的工作,在Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express等学术刊物上已发表论文80余篇。


  1. Yi Zeng, Changshun Wang*, Fuli Zhao, Mu Qin, et al, Two-photon induced excited-state absorption and optical limiting properties in a chiral polymer, Applied Physics Letters 102, 043308, 2013
  2. Fuli zhao1, Changshun Wang*, Yi Zeng, et al, Ultrafast third-order nonlinear optical properties of an azobenzene-containing ionic liquid crystalline polymer, Chemical Physics Letters 558, 100-103, 2013
  3. Fuli Zhao, Changshun Wang*, Jinwen Zhang, Yi Zhang, Femtosecond third-order optical nonlinearity of an azobenzene-containing ionic liquid crystalline polymer, Optics Express 20, 26845-26851, 2012
  4. Zeng Yi, Changshun Wang*, Fuli Zhao, Xiaobo Huang, Yixiang Cheng, Polarization induced control of two-photon excited fluorescence in a chiral polybinaphthyl, Optics Letters 36, 2982-2984, 2011
  5. Tingchao He, Changshun Wang*, Tsuneo Urisu, Takeshi Nagahiro, Ryugo Tero, Rong Xia, The PDMS-based microfluidic channel fabricated by synchrotron radiation stimulated etching, Optics Express 18, 9733-9738, 2010
  6. Tingchao He, Changshun Wang*, Jinwen Zhang, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Xueming Lu, Nonlinear absorption in an azo-containing ion liquid crystal polymer in the different excitation regimes, Synthetic Metals 160, 1896-1901, 2010
  7. Tingchao He, Changshun Wang*, Xu Pan, Hui Yang, Guoyuan Lu, Photoinduced anisotropy and polarization holography in a stilbene-containing fluorinated polyimide, Optics Letters 34 (5), 665-667, 2009
  8. Tingchao He, Changshun Wang*, Xu Pan, Hui Yang , Guoyuan Lu, The nonlinear optical properties and photo-induced anisotropy of a novel stilbene-containing fluorinated polyimide, Dyes and Pigments 82, 47-52, 2009
  9. Changshun Wang, X. Pan, C. Sun, and T. Urisu, Area-selective deposition of self-assembled monolayers on SiO2/Si (100) patterns, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 233105, 2006
  10. Changshun Wang, X. Zhang, T. Urisu, Synchrotron radiation stimulated etching of SiO2 thin films with a tungsten nano-pillar mask, J. Synchrotron Rad. 13, 432-434, 2006