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报告人: 严资杰 博士(芝加哥大学詹姆斯佛兰克研究所)
报告时间: 2015年1月7日(星期三) 下午13:00-14:30
报告地点: 闵行校区物理楼六楼报告厅(616室)
2011  Ph.D. in Materials Engineering  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
2007  M.S. in Physical Electronics  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2005  Dual B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering • Computer Science Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Information complementarity: A new paradigm for decoding quantum incompatibility

报告人: 朱黄俊
报告时间: 11月24号上午10点30分
报告地点: 物理楼709室
The existence of observables that are incompatible or not jointly measurable is a characteristic feature of quantum mechanics, which lies at the root of a number of nonclassical phenomena, such as uncertainty relations, wave-particle dual behavior, Bell-inequality violation, and contextuality.
However,  no simple  criterion  is available for determining  the compatibility of even two (generalized) observables, despite the overarching importance of this problem  and intensive efforts of many researchers over more than 80 years.
Starting from  the simple idea that every  observable can only provide limited  information and  that information is monotonic  under data processing, we introduce a powerful information theoretic  paradigm together with an intuitive geometric picture for decoding incompatible observables. By virtue of quantum estimation theory, we introduce a family of universal criteria for detecting incompatible observables and a natural measure of incompatibility, which are applicable to arbitrary number of arbitrary observables. Based on this framework, we derive a family of universal  measurement uncertainty relations, provide a simple information theoretic explanation of quantitative wave-particle duality, and offer new perspectives for understanding Bell nonlocality, contextuality, and quantum precision limit.

Building and converting nanowires

报告人: Prof. Uros Cvelbar
报告时间: Wed, 2014-11-18 10:30 - 11:30
报告地点: physics building 709
Prof. dr. Uros Cvelbar is currently a Professor in Nanotechnology and Senior Researcher at Department for Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics (F-4), Jozef Stefan Institute and International Postgraduate School Jozef Stefan in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Dr. Cvelbar received his B. Sc. degree in Physics in 2000 and Ph.D. degree in Material Science in 2005 at University of Ljubljana. The interest of his scientific research covers broad area from material science to plasma technologies including plasmas for nanofabrication, nanostructures and their applications in solar cells and gas sensors as well as biomaterials. Dr. Cvelbar has authored or coauthored more than 100 publications in refereed international journals, has presented many invited lectures at international conferences and universities worldwide, and holds more than 15 patents. In 2011, he received Puh Award, the highest Slovenian award given by Republic of Slovenia for inventions and research knowledge transfer into industrial environment.

报告人: Associate Dean Enterprise and International Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering Electronics and Computer Science & Opto
报告时间: Tue, 2014-06-17 10:00 - 11:30
报告地点: 上海交通大学闵行校区物理楼一楼报告厅(111室)

Multi-qubit quantum computing with 2-d array of Cs atoms in optical potentials

报告人: Tian Xia
报告时间: Thursday, 2014-1-9 13:00 - 14:00
报告地点: 上海交通大学闵行校区物理楼一楼报告厅(111)

Dr. Tian Xia, 2000-2004, BS, Tsinghua University  2004-2010, Ph.D Princeton University Professional experience:2011-Present Research Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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