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Xiaoxu Deng
Room 817A, Physics building
Research Interests
- Electro-optic waveguide devices;
- Micro/nano photonic devices;
- Experimental study on silicon nitride passivation film of solar cell;
- Study on laser peen forming of sheet meal;
Biographical Sketch
Professor and PhD supervisor in Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
The Ministry of education program for new century excellent candidates.
1992.4-2002.2, Associate Professor at Department of Apply Physics in Harbin Institute of Technology.
2002.3-2004.2, postdoctoral in the Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
2009.11-2010.2, Visiting professor at University of California, Berkeley.
2004.3-, Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
- Haibin Yu, Lei Chen, Kangye Li, Xiaoxu Deng. “Electro-optic polymer waveguide modulator based on the Pockels and Kerr effects ”, Opt. Eng. 52(4), p044601( 2013)
- Haibin Yu, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiaohui Zhu, Honggen Li, Xianfeng Chen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Measurement of second hyperpolarizability components of a conjugated polymer.” Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 123107 (2011)
- Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Honggen Li, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu. “Simultaneous evaluation of the linear and quadratic electro-optic coefficients of the nonlinear optical polymer by attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 103105 (2011)
- Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “The dispersion measurement of quadratic electrooptic effect of a linear conjugated polymer.” IEEE Journal of quantum electronics. 45, 542(2009)
- Xiaohui Zhu, Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Honggen Li, Qishun Shen, Wen Yuan, Wei Wei and Feng Liu, “A further exploitation of the attenuated-total-reflection technique to measure the complex second hyperpolarizability for quadratic electro-optic effect of linear conjugated polymer.” Europhysics Letters. 87, 24003 (2009)
- Xiang Zheng, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Honggen Li, Wei Wei, and Feng Liu, "Measurement of the second hyperpolarizability of linear conjugated polymer based on attenuated-total-reflection technique," Opt. Lett. 33, 887 (2008)
- Xiaoxu Deng, Xiang Zheng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, and Honggen Li, “Fast speed electro-optic polymer variable optical attenuator based on cascaded attenuated-total-reflection technique.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 151124 (2007)
- Lin Chen, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Xiaoxu Deng, Fang Ou, and Yaojun Feng, “Wavelength sensing with subpicometer resolution using ultrahigh order modes.” J.Lightwave.Technol. 25, 539(2007)
- Pengyi Su, Zhuangqi Cao, Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Chunxiang Liu, and Qishun Shen, "Explicit expression of light reflection from inhomogeneous planar structures," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 24, 3077 (2007)
- Jianhong Zhou, Xiaoxu Deng, Zhuangqi Cao, Qishun Shen, Wei Wei, Zhijian Zhang and Shixiang Xie, “Determination of dc Kerr coefficients of polymer films with prism-optical waveguide configuration.” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021106 (2006)
- Kaisheng Chen, Xiaoxu Deng, Feng Wang, Zhuangqi Cao, and Qishun Shen, "Investigation of second-order nonlinearity in poled-polymer during photobleaching," Opt. Exp. 14, 2791 (2006)